Why are games not selling well?
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

Why are games not selling well?

Why are games not selling as well anymore?

A question we’ve seen raised a few times. I think, it’s because the consumer changed. Not in terms of demographics, but in terms of behavour.

Find out why we think that and how to address it in our article here!

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What is a good meeting?
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

What is a good meeting?

What makes for a good meeting is a question rarely asked. Community teams can sometimes face extra challenges as a result.

Find out where we're coming from when we argue the player's case in our article!

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Test Phase Nomenclature & Player Expectations
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

Test Phase Nomenclature & Player Expectations

The naming of your test phase can have a significant impact on the player expectation and the data you're going to gather to answer your research questions.

What is the difference between an Alpha, a Beta, or a Technical Test?

Find out here!

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What is Sentiment?
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

What is Sentiment?

What is sentiment? Why does it matter and how can it impact your game?
Find out as we explore 2 case studies in our YouTube series Community Management 101.

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What is a Strategy?
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

What is a Strategy?

What is a strategy? How would you go about building one for community, and what else do you need before entering the planning stage?
These are all questions we’re answering in our series Community Management 101 in our YouTube series.

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What is Momentum?
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

What is Momentum?

What is momentum of a brand and community? How can you generate, nurture and even accelerate it.
Find our more about Momentum in our YouTube series Community Management 101.

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What is Community?
Alex Eichinger Alex Eichinger

What is Community?

How to think about community, and what does community management help you impact? You can find out in the first episode of our mini series community management 101!

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